AngelLift is proud to be Better Business Bureau (BBB) accredited and especially proud to maintain an A+ BBB rating. BBB accreditation means that AngelLift abides by the BBB standards, which include a commitment to make a good faith effort to resolve any consumer complaints, advertise honestly, embody integrity and tell the truth. As for the A+ BBB rating, this represents the BBB’s opinion of how AngelLift interacts with its customers. Elements considered are: number of complaints filed, transparent business practices and advertising issues, among others.
It’s well known that keeping a high Better Business Bureau rating is vital for companies to stay in business. According to the BBB website, there are 30 million businesses in the Unites States alone. So how do you know which businesses are ethical and with high customers satisfaction rates? Well, the BBB has been around for 100 years, setting standards for ethical business behavior and monitoring compliance. A high BBB rating assures consumers that a company that they’re doing business with maintains high standards when it comes to their product or service, and when it comes to customer service.
AngelLift Dermastrips are a subdermal technology discovery that offer a non-invasive way to lift out lower facial lines and wrinkles naturally, without chemicals or injections. AngelLift helps replace the pressure lost through age and adds volume under the skin in a natural and painless way. For more information, visit
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